The client subpackage contains the core definition of the API client.
API Client#
- class pyroclient.client.Client(token: str, host: str = '', timeout: int = 10, **kwargs)[source]#
Isometric Python client for Pyronear wildfire detection API
- Parameters
token – your personal API token
endpoint – the host for your instance of pyronear API
timeout (int) – number of seconds before request timeout
kwargs – optional parameters of
- create_detection(media: bytes, azimuth: float, bboxes: List[Tuple[float, float, float, float, float]]) Response [source]#
Notify the detection of a wildfire on the picture taken by a camera.
>>> from pyroclient import Client >>> api_client = Client("MY_CAM_TOKEN") >>> with open("path/to/my/file.ext", "rb") as f: data = >>> response = api_client.create_detection(data, azimuth=124.2, bboxes=[(.1,.1,.5,.8,.5)])
- Parameters
media – byte data of the picture
azimuth – the azimuth of the camera when the picture was taken
bboxes – list of tuples where each tuple is a relative coordinate in order xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, conf
- Returns
HTTP response
- fetch_cameras() Response [source]#
List the cameras accessible to the authenticated user
>>> from pyroclient import client >>> api_client = Client("MY_USER_TOKEN") >>> response = api_client.fetch_cameras()
- Returns
HTTP response
- fetch_detections() Response [source]#
List the detections accessible to the authenticated user
>>> from pyroclient import client >>> api_client = Client("MY_USER_TOKEN") >>> response = api_client.fetch_detections()
- Returns
HTTP response
- fetch_latest_sequences() Response [source]#
List the latest sequences accessible to the authenticated user
>>> from pyroclient import client >>> api_client = Client("MY_USER_TOKEN") >>> response = api_client.fetch_latest_sequences()
- Returns
HTTP response
- fetch_organizations() Response [source]#
List the organizations accessible to the authenticated user
>>> from pyroclient import client >>> api_client = Client("MY_USER_TOKEN") >>> response = api_client.fetch_organizations()
- Returns
HTTP response
- fetch_sequences_detections(sequence_id: int) Response [source]#
List the detections of a sequence
>>> from pyroclient import client >>> api_client = Client("MY_USER_TOKEN") >>> response = api_client.fetch_sequences_detections(1)
- Returns
HTTP response
- fetch_sequences_from_date(from_date: str) Response [source]#
List the sequences accessible to the authenticated user for a specific date
>>> from pyroclient import client >>> api_client = Client("MY_USER_TOKEN") >>> response = api_client.fetch_sequences_from_date("2023-07-04")
- Parameters
from_date – date of the sequences to fetch
- Returns
HTTP response
- get_detection_url(detection_id: int) Response [source]#
Retrieve the URL of the media linked to a detection
>>> from pyroclient import client >>> api_client = Client("MY_USER_TOKEN") >>> response = api_client.get_detection_url(1)
- Parameters
detection_id – ID of the associated detection entry
- Returns
HTTP response
- heartbeat() Response [source]#
Update the last ping of the camera
>>> from pyroclient import Client >>> api_client = Client("MY_CAM_TOKEN") >>> response = api_client.heartbeat()
- Returns
HTTP response containing the update device info
- label_sequence(sequence_id: int, is_wildfire: bool) Response [source]#
Update the label of a sequence made by a camera
>>> from pyroclient import client >>> api_client = Client("MY_USER_TOKEN") >>> response = api_client.label_sequence(1, is_wildfire=True)
- Parameters
sequence_id – ID of the associated sequence entry
is_wildfire – whether this sequence is confirmed as a wildfire
- Returns
HTTP response
- update_last_image(media: bytes) Response [source]#
Update the last image of the camera
>>> from pyroclient import Client >>> api_client = Client("MY_CAM_TOKEN") >>> with open("path/to/my/file.ext", "rb") as f: data = >>> response = api_client.update_last_image(data)
- Returns
HTTP response containing the update device info