Source code for pyroclient.client

# Copyright (C) 2020-2024, Pyronear.

# This program is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
# See LICENSE or go to <> for full license details.

from typing import Dict, List, Tuple
from urllib.parse import urljoin

import requests
from requests.models import Response

from .exceptions import HTTPRequestError

__all__ = ["Client"]

ROUTES: Dict[str, str] = {
    # LOGIN
    "login-validate": "/login/validate",
    "cameras-heartbeat": "/cameras/heartbeat",
    "cameras-image": "/cameras/image",
    "cameras-fetch": "/cameras/",
    "detections-create": "/detections/",
    "detections-label": "/detections/{det_id}/label",
    "detections-fetch": "/detections",
    "detections-fetch-unl": "/detections/unlabeled/fromdate",
    "detections-url": "/detections/{det_id}/url",
    # ORGS
    "organizations-fetch": "/organizations",

def _to_str(coord: float) -> str:
    """Format string conditionally"""
    return f"{coord:.0f}" if coord == round(coord) else f"{coord:.3f}"

def _dump_bbox_to_json(
    bboxes: List[Tuple[float, float, float, float, float]],
) -> str:
    """Performs a custom JSON dump for list of coordinates

        bboxes: list of tuples where each tuple is a relative coordinate in order xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, conf
        the JSON string dump with 3 decimal precision
    if any(coord > 1 or coord < 0 for bbox in bboxes for coord in bbox):
        raise ValueError("coordinates are expected to be relative")
    if any(len(bbox) != 5 for bbox in bboxes):
        raise ValueError("Each bbox is expected to be in format xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, conf")
    box_strs = (
        for xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, conf in bboxes
    return f"[{','.join(box_strs)}]"

[docs]class Client: """Isometric Python client for Pyronear wildfire detection API Args: token: your personal API token endpoint: the host for your instance of pyronear API timeout (int): number of seconds before request timeout kwargs: optional parameters of `` """ routes: Dict[str, str] def __init__( self, token: str, host: str = "", timeout: int = 10, **kwargs, ) -> None: # Check host if requests.get(urljoin(host, "status"), timeout=timeout, **kwargs).status_code != 200: raise ValueError(f"unable to reach host {host}") # Prepend API url to each route self.routes = {k: urljoin(host, f"api/v1{v}") for k, v in ROUTES.items()} # Check token response = requests.get( self.routes["login-validate"], headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {token}"}, timeout=timeout, **kwargs ) if response.status_code != 200: raise HTTPRequestError(response.status_code, response.text) self.token = token self.timeout = timeout @property def headers(self) -> Dict[str, str]: return {"Authorization": f"Bearer {self.token}"} # CAMERAS
[docs] def fetch_cameras(self) -> Response: """List the cameras accessible to the authenticated user >>> from pyroclient import client >>> api_client = Client("MY_USER_TOKEN") >>> response = api_client.fetch_cameras() Returns: HTTP response """ return requests.get( self.routes["cameras-fetch"], headers=self.headers, timeout=self.timeout, )
[docs] def heartbeat(self) -> Response: """Update the last ping of the camera >>> from pyroclient import Client >>> api_client = Client("MY_CAM_TOKEN") >>> response = api_client.heartbeat() Returns: HTTP response containing the update device info """ return requests.patch(self.routes["cameras-heartbeat"], headers=self.headers, timeout=self.timeout)
[docs] def update_last_image(self, media: bytes) -> Response: """Update the last image of the camera >>> from pyroclient import Client >>> api_client = Client("MY_CAM_TOKEN") >>> with open("path/to/my/file.ext", "rb") as f: data = >>> response = api_client.update_last_image(data) Returns: HTTP response containing the update device info """ return requests.patch( self.routes["cameras-image"], headers=self.headers, files={"file": ("logo.png", media, "image/png")}, timeout=self.timeout, )
[docs] def create_detection( self, media: bytes, azimuth: float, bboxes: List[Tuple[float, float, float, float, float]], ) -> Response: """Notify the detection of a wildfire on the picture taken by a camera. >>> from pyroclient import Client >>> api_client = Client("MY_CAM_TOKEN") >>> with open("path/to/my/file.ext", "rb") as f: data = >>> response = api_client.create_detection(data, azimuth=124.2, bboxes=[(.1,.1,.5,.8,.5)]) Args: media: byte data of the picture azimuth: the azimuth of the camera when the picture was taken bboxes: list of tuples where each tuple is a relative coordinate in order xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, conf Returns: HTTP response """ if not isinstance(bboxes, (list, tuple)) or len(bboxes) == 0 or len(bboxes) > 5: raise ValueError("bboxes must be a non-empty list of tuples with a maximum of 5 boxes") return self.routes["detections-create"], headers=self.headers, data={ "azimuth": azimuth, "bboxes": _dump_bbox_to_json(bboxes), }, timeout=self.timeout, files={"file": ("logo.png", media, "image/png")}, )
[docs] def label_detection(self, detection_id: int, is_wildfire: bool) -> Response: """Update the label of a detection made by a camera >>> from pyroclient import client >>> api_client = Client("MY_USER_TOKEN") >>> response = api_client.label_detection(1, is_wildfire=True) Args: detection_id: ID of the associated detection entry is_wildfire: whether this detection is confirmed as a wildfire Returns: HTTP response """ return requests.patch( self.routes["detections-label"].format(det_id=detection_id), headers=self.headers, json={"is_wildfire": is_wildfire}, timeout=self.timeout, )
[docs] def get_detection_url(self, detection_id: int) -> Response: """Retrieve the URL of the media linked to a detection >>> from pyroclient import client >>> api_client = Client("MY_USER_TOKEN") >>> response = api_client.get_detection_url(1) Args: detection_id: ID of the associated detection entry Returns: HTTP response """ return requests.get( self.routes["detections-url"].format(det_id=detection_id), headers=self.headers, timeout=self.timeout, )
[docs] def fetch_detections(self) -> Response: """List the detections accessible to the authenticated user >>> from pyroclient import client >>> api_client = Client("MY_USER_TOKEN") >>> response = api_client.fetch_detections() Returns: HTTP response """ return requests.get( self.routes["detections-fetch"], headers=self.headers, timeout=self.timeout, )
[docs] def fetch_unlabeled_detections(self, from_date: str) -> Response: """List the detections accessible to the authenticated user >>> from pyroclient import client >>> api_client = Client("MY_USER_TOKEN") >>> response = api_client.fetch_unacknowledged_detections("2023-07-04T00:00:00") Returns: HTTP response """ params = {"from_date": from_date} return requests.get( self.routes["detections-fetch-unl"], headers=self.headers, params=params, timeout=self.timeout, )
[docs] def fetch_organizations(self) -> Response: """List the organizations accessible to the authenticated user >>> from pyroclient import client >>> api_client = Client("MY_USER_TOKEN") >>> response = api_client.fetch_organizations() Returns: HTTP response """ return requests.get( self.routes["organizations-fetch"], headers=self.headers, timeout=self.timeout, )